Creative Aging

Pandemic Gray by Debbie Leaman

I sat in the salon chair, face mask in place, and looked in the mirror. My first haircut in over three months and the gray stripe of my one-inch roots glared against the thicket of my limp brown curls. Not quite the bride of Frankenstein, but close enough for discomfort.

“I’m embracing the gray,” I told Seth, my stylist. I felt a twinge of apprehension.

“Many women are making the choice to go gray now,” he said, reassuring me. Every time I’ve mentioned my plan to my friends and family, I’ve felt bold, defiant, followed by, seriously, what the hell am I thinking?

It's Never Too Late to Learn How to Swim by Chris Colin, The New York Times

I love this article! Chris Colin of The New York Times interviewed a woman, who at 68, learned to swim and now, four years later, is a daily lap swimmer. This is a great reminder for any of us who tell ourselves that we’re too old to try something new. Is there something you’ve been putting off because fear gets in the way? Is there a new sport or hobby you’ve been drawn to but you think it’s too late to try? Read this interview for some inspiration . . .

46th Anniversary and Hoping for One More by Caren Beeman

I was deep asleep when a loud bang woke me, the bed shaking from the impact. I sat up and groggily, called out, “was that an earthquake?!” More awake, more alert I answered myself, “No, we’re in Kauai.” I turned towards my husband, expecting to see him sitting up but he was sound asleep. That is, until the second blow to our mattress. I had watched my husband kick his leg up, as if kicking a soccer ball, and then slamming it down on the mattress. This goalie kick woke him.

He sat up. “What the hell was that?”

“You…” Before I could finish, he got out of bed, mumbled, “restless legs,” and left the bedroom.

The Trick to Life is to Keep Moving, by Devi Lockwood, The New York Times

I’m a pack rat when it comes to articles and essays that are interesting to me and relevant to what I teach. I wanted to post something uplifting, not about the pandemic, anxiety or grief. The other day I came across “The Trick to Life is to Keep Moving” which I’d saved from 2019. When I re-read the piece I remembered why I saved this. It’s a wonderful piece about “seeking friends beyond the generational divide.”

The Joys of Vaccinating by Howard Leaman

It’s been a year since pandemic isolation started, causing the end of last ski season. Skiing and teaching skiing have always been a joy and my passion, but this year has felt different. Added to the increasing traffic were long lift lines, skiing in masks (and goggle fog), limited inside warm-up opportunities, and much more hassle.

Hours spent in Little Cottonwood Canyon traffic has offered plenty of time to reflect and push the “pause” button. “Am I part of the problem?”

After Surviving the Depression, the Blitz and the Nazis, Writers Reflect on the Pandemic, by Amanda Holpuch

With the average age of 87, these writers recount other trying times and how they’ve gained perspective and resilience. Amanda Holpuch of The Guardian offers up their stories and how they are adapting to pandemic life and connecting on Zoom. A shout-out to Jill Meyer for sending me this uplifting article!

“Late at night, Peggy Strait sits at her computer and thinks about the dangers of living in New York city during a pandemic.

Then she remembers her life in 1937.

Making the Case for Acceptable Memory Loss by Michele Straube

Our memories fade, sometimes because we’re aging and sometimes because it’s better that way. The painful memories of childbirth and the sleep deprivation of the first few weeks/months of parenthood fade, else no-one would ever have a second (or third or fourth) child. Similarly, I now know from personal experience, the memories of parenting a new puppy fade.

So Long 2020 by Debbie Leaman

As I sat down to write a year-end wrap up, it was hard to get the words out. I wanted to write about gratitude but really, what did I want to say about a year that brought us a global pandemic, exposed the divisiveness and disparity in our country, and revealed the fragility of our democracy? Not to mention devastating wildfires, hurricanes, and an earthquake in Salt Lake City. As I started to write the “silver linings” of this awful year, what came out sounded cloying to me. While genuine (I am truly grateful for Howard, my kids, my family and friends . . . and wine), my words rambled on the page and felt hollow. Frustrated, I did what I normally do: procrastinate. Scrolling the internet, I read, “How to Make Freezer Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches” and “A Century After Phony Flu Ads, Companies Hype Dubious Covid Cures.” Then I found, “One Sentence That Will Make You a More Effective Speaker.” Last article, I told myself. Enough procrastinating. I’m glad I continued to read.

Writing Prompt - Feeling Anxious? Do a Worry Purge!

I don’t know about you, but I’m wrung out with pandemic fear and fatigue, terrified about the election, saturated with the news, and dread the shorter days and the impending cold. There is way too much to worry about these days. Having said that, I still fight the urge to doom scroll in spite of my better instincts. All of this worry just creates more anxiety which ends up as ruminating thoughts and questions swirling around in my head. What’s the future of our democracy? How do I stay safe and keep my family safe? What’s this winter going to look like?

"What if . . . " A Writing Response by Bob Bader

In an online writing class this summer, I’d given the following writing prompt, “What if . . . .” Participants had 10 minutes to write whatever came to mind. Here is Bob Bader’s response:

What if I were never born? The sun would still rise and set each day. The birds would still sing and the bees buzz. Flowers would still grow tall and give off sweet fragrances. Girls would still dance and boys, oh boys, would still be a pain to girls. That is, until the boys were older then the pain would be of a much different kind intermingled with sweet love.

Beneath the Sweater and the Skin by Jeanette Encinias

My dear friend, Jane, passed along this beautiful poem on aging which she found on Facebook. It’s written by Jeanette Encinias, a poet and book editor. It’s hard to believe that Jane and I met over forty years ago as awkward sophomores at college fraternity party . . . we’ve been friends, aging together, ever since.

Beneath the Sweater and the Skin

How many years of beauty do I have left?

she asks me.

How many more do you want?

Here. Here is 34. Here is 50.

Writing Prompt Responses by Bob Bader

In a recent online writing class, I’d given participants two writing prompts, “open the box” and “leaving.” They had 10 minutes per prompt to write whatever came to mind. Below are Bob Bader’s responses:

“Open the Box”

Open the box of chocolates and enjoy, Sanders, creamy dark and luscious. She slowly removes the wrapping and passes the box around, pick one. A special treat on a special day. You are young or so young. Time is short or so short; but you don’t know that now. No, for now, all there is her and that box of chocolates.

Silver Pen 2020 Writing Contest!

The Silver Pen 2020 Writing Contest is taking submissions. You can choose one of the two writing prompts, or if you prefer, write a personal essay of your choice:


• A turning point in my life was when . . .
• Once, when no one was looking I . . .
• Write a personal story of your choice.

ENTRY DEADLINE September 2, 2020